Join us in Building a Civilization of Love
Our goal is to continue a conversation with our Bishops on paid family leave in the Catholic Church. By supporting our investigative reporting, joining us in prayer, and spreading the word, we can work together to build a civilization of love.

Our 2022 petition collected signatures from all 50 states.
Paid Leave is a real pain point for parents in the church.
Many parents lack adequate paid leave and would like to see change.
Dioceses and Catholic companies listened.
Archdiocese of Denver became the fifth U.S. Diocese on record to offer a 12-week, fully paid maternity leave in April 2022. Additionally they now offer 6 week fully paid paternity leave.
The Diocese of St. Augustine announced a two-week leave for adoptive and biological parents in April 2022.
Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee announced a new paid parental leave policy for all diocesan employees in May 2022.
Catholic publisher Ascension Press announced a new 12-week paid maternity leave policy in July 2023.
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Much remains to be done to prevent discrimination against those who have chosen to be wives and mothers…This is a matter of justice but also of necessity…It will force systems to be redesigned in a way which favors the pro-cesses of humanization which mark the "civilization of love."
As of our initial March 2022 report
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Paid Leave Coverage