Mary FioRito
Mary Hallan FioRito is the Cardinal Francis George Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a Permanent Fellow at the University of Notre Dame’s Center for Ethics and Culture. She is a nationally-recognized leader in the pro-life movement, named by Newsweek magazine as one of their “Women of the New Century.” Mary’s advocacy, speeches and writing on seek to build up a “culture of life” and amplify the voices of Catholic women. Her areas of expertise are abortion law and policy, perinatal hospice, women in the Church, and work-life balance for Catholic families. A graduate of Loyola University School of Law, she served the Archdiocese of Chicago for twenty-eight years, and was named the first female Vice-Chancellor. Mary and her husband, Kevin, have three daughters and reside in the Chicago area. We are honored to host Mary to speak on Dorothy Day and Caryll Houslander.